Truth: we didn't "beat the bridge." First two miles of the 5.2 total you have to maintain under a ten minute mile pace to arrive at the University Bridge before it draws up. We missed it by a hair. B was mildly dissapointed but we had some impromptu chat with her compatriates at Nordstrom similarly tardy on that fine Sunday morning all sweaty and huffing in the U-District. Great fun!
Official times:
Me: 1:14:15
B: 1:14:15
Here's where me and B got stuck:
When they lowered the drawbridge we tore off over the bridge, on the left side, ... into oncoming traffic. Good times.
I must say, though, I'm still a little peeved that we had to pay extra for a cheesy look-at-me-I-did-it T-shirt; we didn't cough up the extra cash, but we did get these nifty tote bags:
All in all, it was a grand Sunday morning, with thousands of happy Seattle-ites getting their fitness on in the Emerald.